Varian®, a structuring textile, weaves together a flax thread and a composite thread obtained thanks to our patented technology. The No. 1 composite textile for soft furnishing, Varian® is a linen fabric that is core impregnated by a vegetable resin PLA (PolyLactic Acid). A real textile sheet, Varian® combines the best properties of textile (cutting, assembly, finishing) with those of resin (hot forming).

The material can be cut as desired and stitched; a zipper, eyelet or bias can be placed as with any textile. Varian® can easily take a multitude of shapes thanks to the vegetable resin. Through a simple heating process slabs are moulded, profiles folded and reliefs embossed. Our technology offers multiple other possibilities that Culture iN’s R&D division is constantly exploring.

JEC Group is a non-profit organization entirely dedicated to promoting composite materials and fostering their applications globally. Publisher of the JEC Composites Magazine, the industry's reference magazine, JEC organizes several events around the world, including JEC World, the leading international exhibition dedicated to composites and their applications, which takes place annually in Paris. JEC media, events and digital channels connect a global community of professionals from the composites industry and beyond, to enable knowledge transfer, create networking opportunities, and highlight innovation.
JEC: Connecting the World with Composites